Doctor Bruce Ellison Palo Alto Calif 94305 Discusses Shoulder Arthroscopy
BEACH-CHAIR POSITION Dr. Ellison uses the beach chair position almost exclusively. Beach-chair position provides faster and easier patient positioning, reduces risk of neurapraxias because traction is not used. There is reduced distortion of intraarticular capsular anatomy, improved mobility of the patient's arm, and easier conversion to open surgery since repositioning and repreparation is not required. In the beach-chair position, either general anesthesia or interscalene block can be used. Interscalene block allows the patient to be awake and can assist in controlling the posotion of the head. The knees are flexed to provide counterpressure against the posterior thigh, which will reduce the tendency to slide off the table during surgery. Flexion also decreases tension on the posterior neurovascular structures of the legs. The affected shoulder is brought off the side of the table for access during the procedure. The head is supported in a neurosurgical headrest...